Sec1s, 2s and 3s must buy, sec4s optional but hope you guys will buy :]This is the current design. Please comment k thank you very much. And hope that all comments are constructive as hardwork is put to this whole designing. Tag people. If no comments, after next week we'll order the tee shirts already.Some descriptions:- Round neck tee- Material similar to old black choir tee- Red (can use for many occasions)
(Click for a much better quality picture).......COMMENTS PLEASE.
Just in case you guys wanna see the music vid of Superman by Five For Fighting (also the song we're currently learning)...............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84b949k8HCw(They won't let me embed this song):)
Hello everybody, the brainstorming of ideas to fund-raise our concert is not over yet! Every choir member is to come up with at least one idea (more than one will be better of course), and please share with the rest of us. If you feel shy or something, just tell your section leaders then =)
ALL SECTION LEADERS TAKE NOTE: Please collate all ideas and give them to me.
Also, please do not give the same ideas as your friends. Let's all be constructive in this brainstorming. We all want more $$$ after all. Like who wants to perform in a run-down concert hall (who knows the piano we rent may even be off-key and last tuned since a decade ago, or rusty music stands, or even platforms with gazillion splinters), print tickets that are barely attractive, advertise in a budget yet super low class, and worst of all, pathetic audience number because our concert already seems so not worth paying for?
Although the school will give us some cash, we'll need to fork out a sum of money as well. If you all want to perform in a more "WOW" concert, with classy concert halls etc, start putting on your thinking caps now! Get started on the brainstorming, perhaps grab some of your choir friends, sit down and think together and come up with ideas (maybe before Choir starts?)!
Concert is in August. May, Mid years exam. June, holidays. So now's the perfect time to plan our fundraising for our concert so we can start the fundraising asap :D
Some tips:
1. Sell things? What things? Do they appeal to the school esp. students? Attractive? Practical? Profit high?
2. Maybe not sell. Perform? Busk? Practical? Can earn money? Profit high?
3. Maybe sell and perform at same time? Can earn money? Profit high?
Hey Choir, Common tests will be over by tomorrow, so ALL ARE TO COME FOR PRACTICE.
Time: 3-6pm
Venue: Choir Room #03-03
Sec4s are to head straight for Choir after your Structured Academic Programme till 5pm.
Attendance have always been taken, so everyone should be coming.
Those who do not attend Choir practice tomorrow will jolly well have to explain to me, Ms Ng and Mr Loh. So unless you have a valid reason, I will see you in Choir tomorrow.
And as you can see from the previous post, we didn't really achieve our New Year Resolutions, so this tells us that we'll have to start working harder and be more serious during practices. I hope there will be full strength tomorrow, including Sec 4s, so we can start producing the Gold Choir sound again :)